Amsterdam Fellowship Dinner 2023

Amsterdam Fellowship Dinner

Every year, ACCL organizes a dinner for pastors / (co)leaders of churches, Christian organizations, and ministries in Amsterdam. The goal is to experience and celebrate that we are part of the great Body of Christ in Amsterdam. We want to honor everyone for their dedication and service to God’s work in the city and allow them to meet and get to know each other better. Welcome from 5:00 PM to meet each other and have a drink. The buffet starts at 6:00 PM and there will be some short presentations during the dinner about news from networks and organizations in the city. The emphasis of the evening is mainly on meeting each other.
We will conclude with a time of prayer around 7:45 PM. Afterward, there will be time to chat and network.


De location for the event is: Dominion Centre, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK, Amsterdam-Duivendrecht, (close to metrostation van der Madeweg).

Who is invited?

All preachers/pastors of churches in Amsterdam and leaders who lead a Christian organization, network, or ministry. Max. 4 people (including partners).

Costs? NONE! 

The Fellowship dinner is offered to you free of charge by the ACCL. If you would like to register before November 10, you can use the form below.
We look forward to meeting you on Thursday, November 16)


Please click THIS link to register for the Fellowship Dinner

Amsterdam Fellowship Diner 2023

Ieder jaar organiseren we als ACCL een diner voor voorgangers  / (mede)leiders van kerken, christelijke organisaties en bedieningen in Amsterdam. Het doel is om te beleven en te vieren dat we samen onderdeel zijn van het grote Lichaam van Christus in Amsterdam. We willen iedereen eren voor hun toewijding en dienstbetoon aan Gods werk in de stad en de gelegenheid geven om elkaar te ontmoeten en beter te leren kennen. Welkom vanaf 17:00 uur om elkaar te ontmoeten en iets te drinken. Om 18:00 uur start het buffet en zal er tussendoor wat korte presentaties zijn over nieuws uit netwerken en organisaties in de stad. De nadruk van de avond ligt vooral bij ontmoeting van elkaar. 
We sluiten rond 19:45 uur af met een tijd van gebed. Daarna is er tijd om na te praten en te netwerken.


De locatie voor dit event is: Dominion Centre, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK, Amsterdam-Duivendrecht, (dicht bij metrostation van der Madeweg).

Wie is uitgenodigd?

Alle predikanten/voorgangers van kerken in Amsterdam en leiders die een christelijke organisatie, netwerk of bediening leiden uit.  Max. 4 personen  (inclusief partners).

Kosten: GEEN 

Het Fellowship diner worden u gratis aangeboden door de ACCL. Wilt u zich vóór 10 november registreren, u kunt hiervoor het onderstaande formulier gebruiken. 
We zien ernaar uit u te ontmoeten op donderdag 16 november


Klik HIER om je aan te melden voor het diner.

Everyone23 Lunch bijeenkomst / Lunch meeting

Beste voorganger
Op 21-23 juni zijn duizenden christelijke leiders bijeen voor een conferentie (AMSTERDAM23) in de RAI over evangelisatie in het komende decennium. Dit event wordt gevolgd op 24 juni met een outreach in Amsterdam en een groot event (EVERYONE23) in het Olympisch stadium, waar alle christenen in Amsterdam en ons land worden uitgenodigd voor inspiratie en empowering voor evangelisatie in het Olympisch stadium in Amsterdam. Het avondprogramma in het Olympisch stadion heeft een evangelisatie karakter, waar alle Amsterdammers welkom zijn, om het evangelie te horen en God te ontmoeten.
Om u goed te kunnen informeren over deze events en hoe u als voorgangers en en uw gemeente hier deel van kan zijn en betrokken kan worden, nodigen wij u uit voor een lunch bijeenkomst op 17 mei in Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam – Amstel, Joan Muyskenweg 20, 1096 CJ Amsterdam van 12:00 – 14:00 uur
Geef u op via het onderstaande formulier.

Dear Pastor
On June 21-23, thousands of Christian leaders will gather for a conference in the RAI on evangelism (AMSTERDAM23) in the coming decade. This event will be followed on June 24 with  an outreach in Amsterdam and a big event in the Olympic stadium EVERYONE23, where all  Christians in Amsterdam and our country are invited for inspiration and empowerment for evangelism in the Olympic stadium in Amsterdam. The evening program in the Olympic stadium has an evangelistic character, where all Amsterdammers are welcome to hear the gospel and meet God.

In order to be able to inform you properly about these events and how you as pastors and your congregation can be part of and involved, we invite you to a lunch meeting on May 17 at Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam – Amstel, Joan Muyskenweg 20, 1096 CJ Amsterdam from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Register using the form below.


Amsterdam23 conference, June 21 -24

The Amsterdam23 conference will take place in our city from 21 to 24 June

A unique conference will take place in Amsterdam from 21 to 24 June: the Empowered21 Amsterdam23 event
Empowered21 is a very broad global coalition and partnership of many leaders of Christian denominations, organizations, and movements, with the aim of working together in the great commission. Amsterdam23:

EMPOWERD21’s vision:

That every person on earth would have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the work and power of the Holy Spirit in the next decade.

Its mission is to be a platform that helps shape the movement it takes by focusing on issues facing the movement and connecting generations for the blessing of intergenerational collaboration and transmission.

What can this vision mean for Amsterdam?

As Christians in Amsterdam, we share the desire that every inhabitant of the city should meet and get to know Jesus. Looking at the current reality, where it is estimated that only 3-4% of residents are actively involved in a church or Christian community, we can use all the impulses of hope, inspiration, strategy, and help. As representatives of networks and churches in the city, we believe that Amsterdam23 is not an event that happens to be held in our city, but that it can be a blessing and catalyzing moment for an ongoing movement of missionary fruit in the city. It is not only about a focus on a conference but about working together in a movement of missionary growth in the coming years.

What will happen from June 21-24?

First of all, the 21 – 23 June is a conference in the RAI where 5000 – 7000 Christian leaders, evangelists, and missionaries from all parts of the world are expected. The program offers inspiration, exchange, and interaction on collaboration, strategy, and innovation for fruitful evangelism in the coming decade through workshops and numerous roundtables. Registreer:

On Saturday, June 24 there will be a day of outreach where thousands of conference participants and believers from the Netherlands will be mobilized in Amsterdam. In the afternoon and evening, there will be an event in the Olympic stadium, where thousands of people, believers, and non-believers, are expected in addition to the conference participants. Registreer gratis:

How can this be valuable to us in Amsterdam?

We need all the inspiration, wisdom, and strategy possible to overcome the enormous challenge of introducing people in Amsterdam to Jesus and His Kingdom. That is why we invite all leaders of the body of Christ who want to learn more about this to participate in the conference in the RAI. We will also have round table talks for Amsterdam participants in the program where we can talk about what we have received from the conference and how we can apply it in our city.

The fact that so many passionate Christians are coming to Amsterdam, who also want to reach out to the people of Amsterdam, gives an opportunity to let the whole city experience the love of Christ on June 24, by helping to shape the day of outreach and the momentum to continue in the coming years to find ways to give Amsterdammers (again) the chance to get to know Jesus.

TRAINING: How can we prepare?

This preparation is not just for the Amsterdam23 event but has an effect that is very precious to us as the body of Christ in the city.

Various pieces of training will be offered for Amsterdam Christians to be trained to share their testimony and their faith with others, combined with prayer evenings for the city. Training available so far:

Training will also be available for aftercare for new believers, or seekers. As a church / community, how can you be a place where new believers can be welcomed and supported in further learning to discover what the gospel is, and how they can follow Jesus and be embedded in the faith community? More dates and information about the training courses coming soon.

OUTREACH Amsterdam23 on June 24: Christ’s love is visible and tangible everywhere in the city

From approximately 2:00 pm a major event will take place in the Olympic stadium. The afternoon will be focused on inspiring members of churches for sharing the gospel.  The evening program will have an evangelistic character, people from the city are invited to come and hear testimonies, etc.

In the morning and early afternoon there will be two types of outreach take place:

  • Dozens of groups of conference participants supplemented with believers from the city and the country will be present in various locations in the city, to pray for the city, have conversations with people, show the love of Christ, and when wanted pray for people and invite people to the Olympic stadium event in the evening. The groups function under the leadership of local (Amsterdam / Netherlands) coordinators who know the way in Amsterdam and the local culture.
  • Churches / Christian organizations in Amsterdam can organize activities in the morning and early afternoon that suit their way of missionary outreach and that can make use of the help of many available participants in Amsterdam23 from all regions of the world. You can think of distributing food, children’s toys, clothing, sports with young people, children-youth events, stage outreach, cleaning the neighborhood, neighborhood lunch, leafleting neighborhoods for church services, conversations in the neighborhood, places where people can be prayed, etc., etc. Every (group of) church(s) can register and organize an event, and Amsterdam23 ensures that participants from Amsterdam23 come on-site to help. Churches / local organizations in Amsterdam take the initiative and do a briefing for the participants. This is a unique opportunity to commit a whole group of motivated and serving people to God’s work in the city. Our dream is that people all over the city will experience the love of Christ

Hospitable love and prayer: As Church in Amsterdam, we may welcome the unique Amsterdam23 conference of Empowered21 in our city, with our hospitality and love. First of all, we can pray for the thousands of people who come, for safe travels, God’s speaking, and blessing on their stay. We can also pray for God to speak to all participants for the next 10 years about calling, strategy, and cooperation that will help bring the Good News of the Gospel to as many people as possible in this world.

Service/volunteers: many volunteers are needed. Mobilizing volunteers for these 4 days is a great blessing for the conference organizers and for the participants.

Outreach group leaders: by recruiting and registering as many Amsterdam Christians as possible as group leaders for the morning outreach on June 24. Please register outreach leaders:

Outreach events: take the opportunity to organize a missionary event so that a range of expressions of God’s love and grace can be experienced all over Amsterdam. Please register outreach events:

Provide evangelism follow-up: people that we reach on June 24 will all be referred to churches/faith communities. Please register your church as a place for follow-up/discipleship:

Please use the links above to register your involvement.


City Movements Day Netherlands – April 21

City Movements Day

City Movements NL is a movement that inspires Christians in the Netherlands to work together for the prosperity of their hometown. This movement focuses on social, cultural and spiritual changes that will be visible in the long term as the Kingdom of God gains greater impact. The City Movements Day focuses on strengthening, inspiring and connecting participants and local networks. Let’s work together for a national movement of local Christian impact

Program City Movements Day

Location: Dominion Center Amsterdam, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK Amsterdam



10:00 START

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM  PLENARY PROGRAM

With inspiration, city testimonials, forums, table discussions, Q&A’s and worship .

Speaker: Roger Sutton

13:15 – 14:15 LUNCH

With the possibility to participate in round table discussions .

14:30 – 16:00 WORKSHOPS & LECTURES

  • Local networks for young people inside and outside the church
  • Local networks of joint social commitment
  • The place of entrepreneurs, administrators and professionals in the city
  • The next step in building the local network in your city

16:15 – 17:15 PLENARY PROGRAM

With inspiration, a recap , Q&A’s and worship .

Speaker: Ionnis Deck greenhouse

5:15 – 7:00 PM NETWORKING


Have you received a discount code from your network or organization?
Then enter it at ‘promotion code’.


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City Movements Day Nederland – 21 April Amsterdam

City Movements Day

City Movements NL is een beweging die christenen in Nederland inspireert om samen te werken voor de bloei van hun woonplaats. Deze beweging richt zich op sociale, culturele en spirituele veranderingen die zichtbaar zijn op lange termijn, wanneer het Koninkrijk van God meer impact krijgt. De City Movements Day richt zich op het versterken, inspireren en verbinden van deelnemers en lokale netwerken. Laten we samen werken aan een nationale beweging van lokale christelijke impact

Programma City Movements Day

Locatie: Dominion Centre Amsterdam, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK Amsterdam



10:00  AANVANG

10:00 – 12:00   PLENAIR PROGRAMMA

Met inspiratie, stadsgetuigenissen, forums, tafelgesprekken, Q&A’s en worship.

Spreker: Roger Sutton

13:15 – 14:15   LUNCH

Met mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan ronde tafel gesprekken.

14:30 – 16:00   WORKSHOPS & LEZINGEN 

  • Lokale netwerken voor jongeren binnen en buiten de kerk
  • Lokale netwerken van gezamenlijke maatschappelijke inzet
  • De plek van ondernemers, bestuurders en professionals in de stad
  • De volgende stap in het opbouwen van het lokale netwerk in jouw stad

16:15  – 17:15 PLENAIR PROGRAMMA

Met inspiratie, een recap, Q&A’s en worship.

Spreker: Ionnis Dekkas

17:15 – 19:00 NETWERKEN


Heb je een kortingscode vanuit je netwerk of organisatie ontvangen?
Vul deze dan in bij ‘actiecode’.


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Fellowship Dinner 2022

Amsterdam Fellowship Dinner                           Click here to REGISTER

For years, the Amsterdam Council of Christian Leaders (ACCL) has been offering a dinner meeting for all pastors and leaders of churches and Christian organizations in Amsterdam of all denominations and backgrounds. The aim is to meet and get to know each other in a relaxed setting in the city’s diversity of the Body of Christ. It is very inspiring and encouraging to see and experience the bigger picture of the Church in Amsterdam and to stand in unity in our mission in the city.

There will be plenty of opportunities for interaction around the tables and brief updates from various networks on key developments, plans, and activities. It is a privilege for ACCL to honor and encourage everyone who works in the city to bring together those who work out of the inspiration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Cost: None – ACCL offers the dinner

The Fellowship dinner is offered to you free of charge by the ACCL. If you want to register before November 15, you can use the link below.

Programme Fellowship Dinner

17:30 Walk-in, network time

18:00 Dinner there is plenty of opportunity for personal acquaintance and interaction at the tables.

During dinner there will be short moments where something will be shared:

  • Relevant news for the church in Amsterdam and some encouraging stories from the city
  • In Memoriam: Lynette Kong Founder and Leader of Kingdom PrayerNET in Amsterdam
  • Information about two major events in 2023: Empower21 and Movementday
  • Time of prayer for each other and for the city

19:45 Coffee/tea – time for networking
20:30 End


The location for these events is: Dominion Center Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK, Amsterdam-Duivendrecht, (close to metro station van der Madeweg).

Who is invited?

All pastors/leaders of churches in Amsterdam and leaders who lead a Christian organization, network, or ministry in the city. For the Fellowship dinner, we welcome max. 2 pastors/leaders per church, organization, or network leader team and their spouses. we are looking forward to meeting you on Thursday 17 November.


Click here to REGISTER

Fellowship diner 2022

Amsterdam Fellowship Diner                      Klik hier voor opgave

Sinds jaren biedt de Amsterdam Council of Christian Leaders (ACCL) een diner bijeenkomst aan voor alle voorgangers en leiders van kerken en christelijke organisaties in de Amsterdam van alle stromingen en achtergronden. Het doel is om in een ontspannen setting elkaar te ontmoeten en beter te leren kennen in alle diversiteit van het Lichaam van Christus in de stad. Het is heel inspirerend en bemoedigend om te het grotere plaatje van de Kerk in Amsterdam te zien en te ervaren en in verbondheid in onze opdracht te staan  in de stad.

Er is veel gelgenheid tot gesprek rond de tafels en er zullen vanuit diverse netwerken korte updates zijn, van belangrijke ontwikkelingen, plannen en activiteiten. Voor ACCL is het een voorrecht om iedereen die zich inzet in de stad vanuit de inspiratie van het Evangelie van Jezus Christus samen te brengen te eren en te bemoedigen.


Kosten: GEEN

Het Fellowship diner worden u gratis aangeboden door de ACCL. Wilt u zich vóór 15 november registreren, u kunt hiervoor het onderstaande formulier gebruiken.

Programma Fellowship Diner 17 november

17:30 Inloop, netwerktijd

18:00 Diner is er volop gelegenheid voor persoonlijk kennismaking en interactie aan de tafels.

Tijdens het diner zullen er korte momenten zijn waar iets wordt gedeeld:

  • Relevant nieuws voor de kerk in Amsterdam en enkele bemoedigende verhalen uit de stad
  • In Memoriam: Lynette Kong oprichter en leider van Kingdom PrayerNET in Amsterdam
  • Informatie over twee grote events in 2023: Empower21 en Movementday
  • Tijd van gebed voor elkaar en voor de stad

19:45 Koffie / thee – tijd voor netwerken
20:30 Einde


De locatie voor deze events is: Dominion Centre Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK, Amsterdam-Duivendrecht, (dicht bij metrostation van der Madeweg).

Wie is uitgenodigd?

Alle predikanten/voorgangers / leiders van kerken in Amsterdam en leiders die een christelijke organisatie, netwerk of bediening leiden in de stad.Voor het Fellowship diner verwelkomen we max. 2 voorgangers/ leiders per kerk, organisatie of netwerkleidersteam en hun echtgenoten. We zien ernaar uit u te ontmoeten op donderdag 17 november.


Klik hier voor opgave




Seminar: Hoop voor de stad

Samen bouwen aan een beweging in de stad

Met Alan Platt en Anton Venter van City Changers Movement
Op 30 maart van 13:00 tot 17:00 uur
Hoe kan het lichaam van Christus in de stad groeien als beweging in de missie van Gods Koninkrijk voor de stad? Een seminar met theologische inzichten, inspiratie, voorbeelden en tools.
Vanaf 16:15 uur: netwerktijd met een hapje en drankje.
Leer van ervaringen die city changers movement heeft opgedaan in steden
in Europa, VS en Afrika
LOCATIE:  Dominion Centre, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK Amsterdam-Duivendrecht
PRIJS:        35,-- euro
Aangeboden door:    

Fellowship dinner – Official presentation Kerkengids Amsterdam

We invite you cordially on Thursday, November 4th for two special subsequent events: the official presentation of Kerkengids Amsterdam and the ACCL Fellowship dinner.

Official presentation of the Amsterdam Kerkengids (Online Church Directory)

The goal for this (digital) directory is to have information on all Christian communities in and around AmsterdamThe directory has been online since April (  The development of the church guide is a collaborative effort of various networks of churches in the city, Samen Kerk in Nederland (SKIN) and the Department of Religion and Theology at the Free University of Amsterdam. In addition to presenting the online directory, the partners in the steering committee will introduce themselves and share about their contribution to the city. Also are for the official presentation of the church guide representatives of the city council of Amsterdam, Duivendrecht, Amstelveen and Diemen are invited. A representative from the city council will discuss the importance of cooperation with the Church for the well-being of the city. This part of the program is provided by the Kerkengids steering committee.

Amsterdam Fellowship Dinner

For several years now, the Amsterdam Council of Christian Leaders (ACCL) has been organizing a meeting with dinner. The goal for this meeting is fellowship and encouragement for all pastors and leaders of churches and Christian organizations in the city of all denominations and backgrounds. The Fellowship dinner offers, besides enjoying the food and the meeting, a great opportunity to strengthen the bond of unity, connection and to facilitate the exchange of news and plans relevant to the ministry in and to the city.

We warmly invite you to participate in both events, but also can enroll in one of the events.


Official presentation of the Kerkengids Amsterdam

15:45 walk-in / registration

16:00 Presentation of the Church Guide:

  • Welcome
  • Short presentation partner networks
  • Showing the possibilities and use of the guide and keeping it up to date
  • The purpose of the guide for seekers, research, collaboration, etc.
  • The importance of cooperation between the city and the Churches

17:30 Network – time


Fellowship Dinner

18:00 Dinner there is plenty of opportunity for personal acquaintance and interaction at the tables.

During dinner there will be short times where something is shared:

  • Relevant news for the church in Amsterdamand some encouraging stories from the city
  • Time ofprayer for each other and for the city

19:45 Coffee / tea – time for networking
20:15 end of the event


The venue for this event is: Dominion Centre Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK, Amsterdam -Duivendrecht, (close to metro station of the Madeweg).

Who is invited?

For both events, we invite all ministers / pastors of churches in Amsterdam and leaders of Christian organizations, or ministries. Representatives of the partner networks and sponsors of the Kerkengids are also welcome for its presentation, and representatives of the city council of Amsterdam, Ouder-Amstel, Amstelveen and Diemen are also invited for the presentation. For the Fellowship dinner we welcome we max. 2 pastors / leaders per church / organization or network leadership team and their spouses.

Cost: NONE

The official opening of the Fellowship Church Guide Amsterdam and the Fellowship dinner offered for free by the ACCL. Please register before October 28th, you can do use the link below.

We look forward to meeting you on Thursday 4 November,

On behalf of the ACCL team,
Piet Brinksma, chairman

And the Steering Committee “Kerkengids Amsterdam:

  • Henk Meulink , chairman (on behalf of the Amsterdam Council of Churches)
  • Eunice Anita (on behalf of the Rains of Blessings for All Nations Foundation )
  • Piet Brinksma (on behalf of ACCL and City to City Amsterdam)
  • Madelon Grant (on behalf of S amen Kerk in the Nederland (SKIN))
  • Johan Roeland (on behalf of the Faculty of Religion and Theology of the VU)


You can register (order free tickets) for the presentation Kerkengids Amsterdam and the Fellowship Dinner or for these events separately with the following link: